What would make Mealime better for you? šŸš€

Weā€™re working hard to make Mealime the best meal planning app out there, and we need your feedback.

Please let us know whatā€™s missing from Mealime that would make it more valuable for you. As a thought experiment, think about what would make Mealime 10x (or 100x) more valuable to you.

But please write your thoughts on why you want these improvements. What problem are you hoping your suggestion will solve for you?

Thanks so much!


I think it might be helpful to have tips on short term food storage. Since I use many of the same ingredients in more than one of my meals each week, and sometime cut things in advance, like vegetables and fruits, it would be great to know the best way to store them. For example, if i am using cucumbers in more than one recipe, I typically cut the cucumber completely the first time I use it, and then store the remaining for my next meal. I typically need to google the best way to store cut cucumbers (in water, in tupperware, wrapped, etc), so it would be great to have tips right in the app.


Cool idea Rachel. It sounds like food storage is one issue, but also that prepping in advance may be something else youā€™re interested in. Is this the case? Would some sort of advance ā€˜meal prepā€™ instructions be a positive improvement for you?


I would love some crock pot meal options, those can be quick easy and healthy too! Or some freezer meal options. Many of us are using for ease of shipping and planning, and make in the am meals would be a nice option too or freezer friendly meals to double or make ahead for the week. Also review options or ratings!!!


Thanks @Krissyd29! Will consider how to manage different types of cooking methods for a future release. We want to make sure to keep things simple without adding too many options, but we have to balance that with flexibility too. I appreciate your feedback. Recipe ratings should be coming soon :slight_smile:


Yes, that would be great. Advance prep for things like chopping veggies is great. I donā€™t mind spending some time preparing meals on the day of, but if I could chop up all the veggies in advance, that would help.


When I subscribed and I started looking at the recipes, I was shocked to find how high calorie they all were. I loved mealime my first week, cooking 4 servings and having dinner and lunch w them (for me and my husband) but now Iā€™m not sure it will work out. As a vegetarian, I also canā€™t choose low carb and thereā€™s so many calories that you can eat.


Thanks for your feedback @Jgal. We try to keep the calorie counts of the meals between about 450 and 600 per serving, though some are outliers. For even a very small person with a basal metabolic rate of 1300-1600 calories per day, three meals per day around this calorie level will be sufficient to maintain bodyweight levels before the daily calorie expenditure of activity (TEA) and the daily calorie expenditure of all non-exercise activity (NEAT) is taken into account.

Are there any recipes that seemed particularly high in calories? Iā€™d be happy to take a look at them!

Regarding low carb vegetarian, itā€™s very difficult to eat low carb without also eating very low protein and high fat. Nearly all protein sources for vegetarians come with a generous portion of carbs. This being said, we often review our meal plans and recipes and will consider your request and see if it could be possible in the future. Thanks again for your feedback!


I would love to be able to edit the recipes to get different nutritional info. Sometimes the portions are just too much for me or I sometimes will omit a part of the recipe. So it would be interesting to me to see how it changes the calories and nutritional info.


Thatā€™s very interesting @Barbozak, thanks for your feedback! How often do you customize the recipes? Is this a regular occurrence, or more of a rare thing? And other than portion size, is there a main reason you tend to modify the recipes?

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Well sometimes the recipe will call for adding water to a sauce or a soup or something. I normally try to avoid doing that as I feel it waters down the flavor. There was also a soup recipe that was very good but it had a side of bread with it which I omitted because it just seemed like too much for me. I guess I wouldnt say I do it too often, but enough for it to be handy for me to want to change the nutritional info. & besides the portion or flavorings I donā€™t change much. I like almost all of the recipies that I have tried so far. (:


Great, thanks so much for clarifying @Barbozak! Thatā€™s really good to know. I appreciate you explaining your personal use case of a potential feature like this. So glad to hear that youā€™ve been liking the recipes so far :smile:


Putting in a vote for categorizing ā€œYour Listā€ items. Mealime categories are fineā€¦no need for adding my own categoriesā€¦let simplicity come first!


Thanks @NeshaBurch! Thatā€™s one weā€™ve heard before and will likely tackle going forwards :slight_smile: Let me know if any others come to your mind!

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Another idea would be to build a meal plan around and ingredient or two instead of a favourite recipe. For example: I could select broccoli and then a meal plan with at least 2 or 3 recipes that included broccoli would be great. I am currently reading about foods that fight cancer, so it would be great to select one of those foods, and learn about new recipes that incorporate them.


Great idea! This could also work well for ingredients you already have on hand at home and want to use up.

Weā€™re actually working on a new way of building meal plans right now that will include a search feature. It wonā€™t be as powerful as you suggest for its initial release (you will only be able to search for recipe titles instead of ingredients within a recipe), but with improvements it could work in the way that you describe!

Keep an eye on the community later this week - Iā€™ll be posting an overview on the new builder and will be looking for feedback. Thanks @rtoyen :slight_smile:


The only thing I can come up with is an option to add breakfast menu items - otherwise the app is great for me!


Thatā€™s great to hear @batemanenroute! Thanks so much for letting us know. Breakfast will come at some point - I canā€™t give a specific timeline - but weā€™re definitely considering how to make it work :slightly_smiling_face:


My 93 y/o grandmother heard me talking about Mealime and has signed up for the free version - she also cooks for herself, and I think is looking to try new recipes. I walked her through the website over the phone, and she seemed really pleased with the meal plan when we were done. Thank you!


I wish there was a way to make comments on favorited recipes so I know what adjustments Iā€™d make for next time.