I’ve recommended you guys to so many people at work who see the leftovers I bring in, and just want to say I’m SO happy to recommend you. And people seem to be really excited upon downloading your app.
Now, one thing I recently thought was “I have some things in my fridge that I used some of, but not all. And I want to use the rest ASAP—before it goes bad!” But finding a meal recipe that has those items isn’t always easy, since I believe the recipe search is scoped to the name. So if I have, say, green onion, I would love if i could search by ingredient(s) so I could find recipes that contain that or more of the leftover produce I have from the last week.
It seems like you’ve got some infrastructure in place for this, since you can filter by ingredient for preferential purposes. Hopefully this could be an easy implementation so people can be overall less wasteful with their grocery purchases, with the help of the Mealime app!