How do you pronounce mealime?

I’d love to talk about it with my peers ;), but feel silly possibly mispronouncing it (and then saying it another way later!) Help me sound like I know what I’m talking about? :slight_smile:

Would also love to hear the background of where the name came from! Love your guys’ mission.


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Hi AJ! Thanks so much for talking about Mealime with your peers - that’s the best compliment we can get :smile:

Mealime is pronounced “MEAL-I’m”. Or “ME-LIME”. It is a play on “Mealtime” that is, admittedly, a bit odd. In all honesty, Mealime started in a bit of a hasty way. We had an idea, ran with it, and never thought it would turn into what it has. Our first version of Mealime involved us emailing a meal plan to our subscribers every week! No customization, no different meal plan types, no app. It was bare bones, but there was enough interest for us to continue to work on and improve it. It’s something else entirely now - we think way better!

The name has stuck with us this whole journey, and though it is easily brand-able (because it isn’t a real word), it does have some issues with pronounceability. Sorry about that!

Thanks for asking, AJ - we’re glad to have you with us! :thumbsup:


Mealime-y! (Play on “me likey”, ha.) Thanks for the story! I’m also happy to be here, and will be sure to share product feedback as I continue to use your services :slight_smile:


Haha. Good one! :wink: Sounds great AJ - I’d love to hear your feedback.

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I have the same problem. I tell people all about the app, they get super excited and ask the name and then I am not sure what to say.

I like: “Me?” “A lime!” Like you are explaining your poorly executed Halloween costume. :slight_smile:


Mealime-y! (Play on “me likey”, ha.)


When I was trying to guess where “Mealime” came from, I thought of “meal + sublime”. :sunglasses: y’all should go with that!