We’re coming up on Oktoberfest, so I’m looking for some good German recipes to pair with the Oktoberfest beer I just got. When starting my new meal plan, I searched “German” and only found one (the pork schnitzel with German cucumber salad). It looks delicious, but I find it hard to believe that’s the only German recipe on Mealime. I have noticed that sometimes when I search for “Mexican” it leaves out many of the Mexican recipes I’ve tried, when I search “Indian” it doesn’t show all the Indian recipes, etc. I’d love to see categories for “German,” “Indian,” as well as seasonal categories like “Christmas,” “Thanksgiving,” etc. I’m not sure if these recipes just don’t exist yet on Mealime or if they’re just hard to find.
Anyway, I’m getting a bit sidetracked here, but back to my original question. Do you have any other German/Oktoberfest recipes besides the schnitzel, or are my settings/restrictions preventing me from seeing them?