21 Day Fix Meals/Containers

Hi! I’ve been reading about 21 Day Fix and I’m so sold about the challenge. I believe it is affiliated with Beachbody. The challenge is portion control and exercise so it’s not one of those dieting programs that are impossible to complete. I’d like to know if Mealime can create special recipes and indicate what color container one can use. This will really help me with the anxiety I’m about to be hit with with preparing meals for my family.

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Hi Olu,

Thanks for sharing this idea with us! Sounds like an admirable challenge for the new year! Alas, as a small team of 3, I don’t think we’ll be able to create special recipes for this diet in the short term. We would also need to do quite a bit of app development work to make this work well. Sorry!

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I’m a beachbody coach so I follow the 21 day fix meal plans. I chose my meal plan to be low carb and almost all of the meals look to be 21 day fix approved. Let me know if you have any questions or email me at [email protected]